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Art is our medium and community the solution.

Enriching people and places with creative community solutions.

At Artsolute, community wellbeing is at the forefront of what we do. Our programs and activities are designed to catalyse the goals, potential, and needs of a community. Watch this space to learn about our positive impact and join us in bringing about positive change for a better world.

Artsolute supports and promotes the development and social needs of people of all age groups in Singapore and Southeast Asia with its art of empathy, creativity, and empowerment.


It is a multidisciplinary outfit of various art forms including drama, visual arts, and puppetry. It is also a socially conscious organisation, focusing on the mentorship and development of youths and young Singaporeans through the arts as a means of empathy and innovation.


To do so, Artsolute designed the 'Hands for Hope' meta-model to bring the arts and community development together.

Since 2011, Artsolute has engaged communities of various needs in 12 Asian countries including the 10 ASEAN member states. This includes learning and emotional needs and social gaps such as disaster risk reduction, apathy, dementia care, and intercultural differences.


Our Goals are:

• Promoting creativity and imagination in all environments

• Empowering youths by matching skills, knowledge, interests and capacities with others’ needs

• Developing knowledge and resourcefulness through collaboration and exchange

• Bringing the arts and creativity to those who need it most

Art to reframe, reconsider, and redesign how we see ourselves and the world.

Join us in creating a more caring and active society through the arts

Communities are built with action.

Here is how you can help Artsolute create a better world with Arts.
Artsolute cannot pursue its vision alone. Thus we maintain and emphasise on the need for social actors, large and small, to collaborate with us, be they artists, educators, volunteers, civic-minded persons, or community development professionals.


Engage in our volunteer or community projects


Engage our wealth of knowledge and resources


Help grow our community and share in our success

Collaborate on creating a better world for all


Artsolute Advocates for


Arts & Health

We believe that art and wellbeing are intrinsically linked. Though the practice of arts in healthcare is well explored in modern cities, this progress is still in its infancy to Singapore and Asia.
Artsolute is pioneering this intersection having used the arts to support with acute, rehab, mental health, and dementia care in hospitals across Singapore. Artsolute has also utilised the arts to help the victims of the Supertyphoon Yolanda.

Teen Volunteers


Everything that Artsolute does has sustainability at its core. With so much that needs to be done, it is vital that every project, programme, or individual engaged has the skills and knowledge to continue, grow and eventually help others with its/her/his own resources. Artsolute achieves this via it’s “Hands for Hope” meta-model. It also advocated for sustainability with its expert presentations and via consultations with companies and civil society entities.

Clothes Donation

Unity through Culture

Artsolute advocates for the active dialogue between of audiences of different cultures in society today - especially in this polarised and divisive era of the digital native. Artsolute believes that art, traditions, and innovations are key to rekindling and sustaining social cohesion and that artists are instrumental in this development. To maintain a synergistic relationship between communities and the arts, Artsolute remains committed to the understanding and development of the needs, processes, goals, ethics, and networks of artists, hence it develops and coordinates projects such as the ASEAN Puppet Exchange. Its next steps will be to develop the exchange between artists of multiple creative disciplines and in the future multiple industries.


Youth Empowerment

Artsolute focuses on empowering and engaging young persons for the societal development of Singapore and ASEAN. Artsolute’s programmes allow for autonomy, mentorship, and widened perspectives due to the range and breadth of its social outreach methods. Artsolute has therefore been the recipient of several grants from the National Youth Council and is a start-up resident of Scape.

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